I Want Process-Aware Types

1 tl;dr

I’ve always wanted a type system that would keep me from exposing sensitive data with minimal developer effort, so I took a crack at designing it for Go. It requires two new container types (inproc[T] and xproc[T]) and a global function that are all removed at compile-time, but results in a nearly zero-cost data privacy setup. Besides reflection-based checks, no runtime changes are required.

This is somewhere between a thought experiment and a proper proposal for inclusion in a language. It’s certainly not ready for an RFC anywhere, but there’s perhaps a kernel of value here.

2 Background

There’s a class of data in many applications that’s sensitive and/or secret, but must still be accessible in plain-text for the application to work. The space is unbounded so a few examples help:

In any scenario, this information is required for the application to function. Clearly, users can’t log in if we make password hashes unreadable on the server, and we can’t display a user’s shipping address if their addresses aren’t readable. Users can’t perform any actions after logging in if we make auth tokens unreadable on the client. And we can’t decrypt the user’s password store without accepting their passphrase.

The trouble comes in with the handling of these values. It’s incredibly easy to include one in a log line that gets shipped off to a separate machine, where it’s indexed, replicated, and archived. Whether that machine is in your control or not is irrelevant: sensitive data has just leaked.

Just how easy that is depends on the languages and frameworks involved, but printf debugging remains relevant because it’s so dang effective. And sometimes you just need to log values in production to see why a bug doesn’t reproduce in a pre-prod environment.

For a contrived example, consider a user session object in Go:

type UserSession struct {
  Username string
  pwHash string
  expires time.Time

By default, you’re one fmt.(Sp|P)rintf("%v\n", session) away from including a user’s password hash in your logs, writing it to a file, or returning it in a server response.

Type systems as they exist today are unable to prevent this kind of bug. A string containing a user’s name is indistinguishable from the string containing their salted+hashed password at compile-time. While some tools and techniques exist to mitigate these issues, they’re at-best difficult to set up and at-worst (and most commonly) not attempted at all.

Languages have recently taken to adding compile-time guarantees for concurrency-related bugs. Like the concurrency-awareness baked into Rust and Swift (among others), I’d argue there’s significant benefits to be realized if type systems were aware of process boundaries and could prevent values from being exfiltrated from processes.

3 Why is this needed at all?

First, a brief detour for justification.

The “Internet commenter”-obvious solution is to tell developers to just… not do these kinds of things. Don’t log structures that contain sensitive values; don’t log values you don’t fully understand; don’t rely on printf debugging; don’t deploy code without reading through responses.

And they’re right! Those are of course valid solutions. That same advice applies to other forms of safety that we as developers have come to rely on:

At some point in time, developers have agreed that a subset of these “Just don’t (…)” techniques weren’t enough. We wrote tools to protect our users from our own forgetfulness and made those tools available by default in many cases. We’ve been able to spend our newfound attention on more complicated problems as a result.

Protecting sensitive values — both “our” values and our users’ data — is due for this kind of tooling.

4 Existing Techniques

This is by no means an unsolvable problem using current techniques, but each of those have at least one significant drawback.

I recognize that I’m likely missing some approaches here. Please let me know.

4.1 Access Modifiers / Design Around It

By far the most common approach is to structure an application such that it’s harder to accidentally leak this kind of information. Access modifiers can allow only the database module to access database credentials and DB session info. This, naturally, limits the space for accidental disclosures of those credentials to the database module as well. Wrong code certainly looks “more wrong” during review, but a revision that logs credentials still builds, still passes test cases, etc. This especially breaks down when dealing with credentials passed via environment variable. Once read via os.Getenv, sensitive environment variables are still just loggable strings.

4.2 Custom Serialization

A similar option is to control how structures are serialized. Go’s MarshalJSON function can be implemented for any struct that’s serialized with encoding/json, allowing developers to exclude fields that shouldn’t be logged. Ditto adding toJSON() for a JavaScript class, implementing the ToString and Debug traits in Rust, etc. Logger-specific functions, like MarshalZerologObject from Go’s github.com/rs/zerolog, allow fields to be excluded with specific logging libraries as well. And for more general data-dumping purposes, the fmt.Formatter and fmt.GoStringer interfaces can interface can be implemented on a struct for additional control. These unfortunately must be implemented manually for each type containing sensitive data, and they have no influence over non-logging contexts.

Combined, implementing MarshalJSON, MarshalZerologObject, Format, ToString, and GoStringer (or their equivalents in other languages) cover most cases. Go’s fmt.Sprintf("%s", some.StructField) remains vulnerable however, and the resulting string can be freely logged, written to files, combined with other values, etc. Developers must manually know not to call that. We’ve shrunk the vulnerable surface, but it’s still possible to leak data.

4.3 Domain Types & Custom Wrappers

Following access modifiers and custom serialization is the approach of building domain-specific types. In our UserLogin example above, we’d replace pwHash: string with pwHash: PasswordHash — that is, we’d use a type that wraps a string serializes to a static string (or nothing):

class PasswordHash {
  private readonly hash: string;
  constructor(hash: string) {
    this.hash = hash;

  toJSON(): string {
    return "[redacted]";

This combines both the benefits and limitations of its source techniques though, so it’s vulnerable to the same issues.

4.4 Haskell’s IO Monad

Having read about Haskell’s IO Monad for the first time just a few days ago, I’m quite clearly an expert when it comes to its limitations. As such an monadic sage — with minutes of research and zero experience — I can confidently say:

The IO Monad appears to be solving a different yet mildly related problem and probably wouldn’t make an impact. I think. Probably.

An IO String in Haskell is needed to solve compile-time and lazy-evaluation constraints with externally-provided bits of text, but doesn’t limit what actions can be taken with such a value once it’s been obtained. IO Strings can still be printed, logged, sent in network requests, etc.

There may be another related technique from Haskell and its relatives, but I haven’t found it yet. Do let me know if you find one :)

4.5 Linting via Denylist

A naive linter can pretty easily detect calls to fmt.Print* (and its wrappers) that reference variables and fields of known name, e.g.:

fmt.Printf("Auth token: %q", sess.AuthToken)
//                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Lint error: cannot print field named "AuthToken"

This is quite easy to accidentally bypass. If that auth token is used for Bearer authentication, it’s reasonable to prefix it with "Bearer " early:

bt := "Bearer " + sess.AuthToken
fmt.Printf("Auth token: %q", bt)
//                           ~~
// No error. "bt" isn't in the denylist, and string concatenation
// hides the presence of sess.AuthToken.

Besides the list of names being unbounded and easily gamed, a denylist linter is unlikely to be effective beyond a trivial program. And once folks are used to relying on it to catch this case, bypassing the denylist becomes trivial. In other words, a “the linter didn’t catch this, it’s probably fine” mentality.

4.6 Linting via Taint Tracking

Taint tracking is not a new concept in programming and often comes up when I ask about this topic. Bugs for Perl’s perlsec pod date back to at least September 2000, Ruby had a taint-tracking mechanism until version 2.7, and some Googlers released the experimental (and unfortunately seemingly-defunct) go-flow-levee. This seems to be the closest I’ve found to process-aware types, but it’s unfortunately not flexible enough for our “don’t log sensitive values” use-case.

Taint tracking tools — whether provided by default in a language or in external libraries/binaries — are all security-focused. They deal in the domain of trusted and untrusted values, and strive to prevent the use of externally-provided values in privileged ways. Attacks like SQL Injection, poison-pilled requests, and missing input validation are all well within-scope for a taint tracker. None of the available tools prevent the exposure of values before or after sanitization, possibly because printing or writing to files are considered low-risk. In fact many values we’d like to avoid exposing have known and trusted sources. For example, hashed passwords in our databases or customer fraud risk scores are inherently trustworthy but should absolutely not be logged anywhere. Taint tracking as it exists today is largely unable to help. Where they’re flexible enough to be helpful (e.g. Semgrep’s pattern-based taint tracking), they tend to be complicated to set up, easy to ignore (due to being run in a separate build pass), or difficult to tune as desired.

5 Proposed: the inproc and xproc type modifiers

On a POSIX system, there’s surprisingly few ways to leak data outside the bounds of a process:

  1. Write to a file descriptor (unix domain socket, named pipe, raw file, stdout/stderr, etc.)
  2. Write to a network socket (e.g. the result of connect)
  3. Write to a memory-mapped file descriptor (via mmap; overlaps with 1, but looks like raw memory manipulation)
  4. Write to a shared memory region (via shmat or similar)

At any higher level beyond C(ish), developers typically see:

  1. Mechanisms for writing to output streams
  2. Wrappers around that mechanism

Go has io.Writer, node has fs.WriteStream and net.Stream, etc. that cover almost everything.

What if we could limit Go’s fmt.Printf to only values we know at compile time are safe to write to stdout? How would we approach MarshalJSON, given that it produces new values (a byte slice) based on existing ones?

Let’s consider a pair of new type modifiers, inproc and xproc, and feel out the impacts they’d have.

A value of type T that should not be allowed to cross process boundaries without manual intervention.
Values with this type should only be used in-process.
A value of type T that can cross process boundaries with no additional effort.
Values with this type are not limited to a single process.

For now, we’ll model these as Go generics. As will become clear below, these don’t qualify as proper Go generics and have some special compile-time properties. The syntax is convenient for demonstration purposes though.

5.1 Variance: T, inproc[T], and xproc[T]

The proposed inproc and xproc container types are generic, with no notable additional contraints. They can be thought of as cost-free containers (costs consisdered below) or simply tagged subtypes of T.

They do however have unique variance rules, to ensure an inproc[T] can’t easily be smuggled out via a regular T. To ensure backwards-compatibility with existing Go code, T is equivalent to xproc[T]. I do appreciate the clarity that an explicit xproc[T] provides, so it remains in this proposal.

5.1.1 Binary Expressions

Binary expressions between T, inproc[T], and xproc[T] should be allowed as a convenience for developers, but the result must preserve the most specific and restrictive of the two types.

Consider the type of c for the statement c := a + b, given certain types for a and b:

a b c
inproc[T] inproc[T] inproc[T]
inproc[T] T inproc[T]
inproc[T] xproc[T] inproc[T]
xproc[T] T[T] xproc[T]

Similar to taint tracking above, the inproc container type “poisons” the result of any binary expression its involved it. The validity of inproc[T] + inproc[U] (that is, the addition of two different types wrapped in inproc) is unchanged here. If they were +able before, they still are; if they weren’t before, they still aren’t.

Since inproc[T] is more specific than xproc[T], binary expressions have covariant arguments of type T. The same applies for xproc[T] and bare T.

5.1.2 Assignments

Basically the same rules apply to assignments. For example, x = y for various declarations of x and types of y:

Declaration Type of y x = y Allowed?
var x inproc[T] inproc[T] Yes
var x inproc[T] xproc[T] Yes
var x inproc[T] T Yes
var x xproc[T] inproc[T] No - leaks y
var x xproc[T] xproc[T] Yes
var x xproc[T] T Yes
var x T inproc[T] No - leaks y
var x T xproc[T] Yes
var x T T Yes

5.1.3 Function Arguments

And the same for function arguments. For various signatures of a function f and the types of input parameters passed to it, we get roughly the same table. For simplicity, the placeholder type T is reified to string in this example.

Signature Type of b f(b) Allowed?
func f(a inproc[string]) inproc[string] Yes
func f(a inproc[string]) xproc[string] Yes
func f(a inproc[string]) string Yes
func f(a xproc[string]) inproc[string] No - f can leak b
func f(a xproc[string]) xproc[string] Yes
func f(a xproc[string]) string Yes
func f(a string) inproc[string] No - f can leak b
func f(a string) xproc[string] Yes
func f(a string) string Yes

Already, the power of this pattern is beginning to show through. Function f can declare that it won’t cause an argument to leak outside the current process. This is spiritually similar to using an argument of type const char* a in C to declare that the char array pointed to by a won’t be modified.

5.1.4 Returned Values

Likely unsurprising, we see these same rules in a function’s return type. A function that claims it returns inproc[string] can return x where x has the type xproc[string], but not the inverse. The truth table here is left as an exercise to the reader.

5.1.5 Container Types (Structs)

There’s nothing special about structs in this arrangement. Structs can be marked inproc or xproc separately from their fields.

5.1.6 Collection Types (Slices & Maps)

So far, these are all pretty trivial rules. Where taint tracking tends to get complicated is when collection types are introduced. Without careful static analysis, a map[string]string could be used to “juggle” a sensitive value and erase its taint marker.

Go already rejects slices of heterogeneous types without an interface wrapping them. It follows then that [](inproc[string] | xproc[string]) would also be invalid. To optimize for developer simplicity — and in the interests of side-stepping a Known Hard Problem — this restriction should likely be maintained outside of Go. There’s few cases where sensitive and non-sensitive values of the same type should be colocated in a single slice or map. Cases that do so are already at risk of accidental disclosure, but are unchanged from a backwards-compatibility perspective.

There’s one notable restriction applied to the inproc and xproc containers: collection types cannot themselves be marked inproc or xproc. Why No inproc/xproc Collections

This seems initially restrictive, but the motivation is minimizing confusion and false-negatives. There are, in-effect, two ways to handle inproc[[]T] and xproc[[]T]:

  1. The inproc modifier propagates to its children. An inproc slice implicitly contains inproc elements. For example, inproc[[]T] is implicitly inproc[[]inproc[T]]. An explicit inproc[[]xproc[T]] (an inproc slice of xproc elements) would also be valid.

  2. The inproc modifier never propagates to its children. In this approach, inproc[[]T] from the previous example is explicitly an inproc slice of bare T elements. This forces developers to read and write inproc[[]inproc[T]] to represent an inproc slice of inproc values. That’s difficult to parse visually, so broken down:

              inproc[T]   - the element type
            []inproc[T]   - a slice of the element type
    inproc[ []inproc[T] ] - an inproc slice of the element type

In practice, a collection type itself isn’t sensitive. The length of a slice is rarely sensitive without also having the contents. Since []inproc[T] (e.g. []inproc[byte] for a slice of inproc bytes) already covers the contents of such a slice, wrapping the collection provides near-zero value. Disallowing inproc on collections is a bit of an arbitrary decision, but it does serve to simplify things significantly.

5.2 Explicit Conversions

It must still be possible to convert from an inproc[T] to an xproc[T]. A generated auth token needs to be shown to users once for it to be useful, and a customer’s shipping address must be displayed on invoices. It’s recommended that these both be inproc[T] values to prevent accidental logging, but these at some level do need to be serialized and sent over the wire.

Like Go’s len or new, a new global function larry() is included here as well.

This function returns whatever it’s provided. It’s a no-op, implemented roughly as:

func larry[V any](sensitive inproc[V]) xproc[V] {
    return any(sensitive)

This provides the necessary escape-hatch to allow sensitive values to be intentionally exposed for inclusion in user-facing function calls. (Assume fmt.Printf has been modified to accept only xproc[T] values).

type UserSession struct {
  Username xproc[string]
  pwHash inproc[string]
  expires time.Time

// ...
fmt.Printf("Session created: %q/%q", sess.Username, sess.pwHash)
//                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~
// Compile error: 'inproc[string]' is not assignable to 'xproc[string]'.
// To print this value, use larry().

// Debugging incident 717
fmt.Printf("Session created: %q/%q", sess.Username, larry(sess.pwHash))
//                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// No compile error.

This helps to highlight where sensitive values are intentionally being exposed, and makes wrong code look wrong.

5.3 Runtime Cost

Remember, inproc[T] and xproc[T] are not actually generic containers, even though they’re typed like generics. To avoid unnecessary allocations or pointer dereferences, these container types are erased during Go’s IR construction (“noding”) phase. This is the first possible point after type checking, and ensures no changes are needed to the Go IR or any emit phases.

Similarly, the larry function above also gets completely optimized away at compile-time.

The result is a nearly zero-cost data privacy setup.

5.4 JSON Marshalling

Go’s encoding/json.Marshal function would need some small modifications to ensure that inproc[T] values can be marshalled properly. The critical behavior change is that Marshal(v inproc[any]) must produce a slice of inproc bytes ([]inproc[byte]), to ensure JSON marshalling can’t sneak past these restrictions.

The default implementation of encoding/json.Marshal would continue to require reflection. There is some runtime cost to checking field tags, but this is in-line with the current implementation of encoding/json.

Unfortunately, the erasure of inproc[T] and xproc[T] at compile-time render the reflect package unable to determine the inprocness of struct fields automatically. Struct tags are accessible via the reflect package, so this may be solveable via a matching json struct tag. This would require extra work for third-party serializers to integrate, as well a compile-time check guaranteeing that the struct tag and type agree on inproc-ness.

6 Example Use

By putting this all together into a reasonably realistic(ish) example, we can get a better sense of what it feels like to build something with inproc available.

// InvoiceBuilder provides a builder pattern for serialized,
// externally-facing invoices.
type InvoiceBuilder struct {
    // ...
    destAddr string
    memo string

// WithDestAddr adds the provided destination address to the invoice.
func (ib *InvoiceBuilder) WithDestAddr(a *Address) *InvoiceBuilder {
    if a == nil {
      return ib
    ib.destAddr = "Ships to:\n" + a.String()
    return ib

func (ib *InvoiceBuilder) WithMemo(m string) *InvoiceBuilder {
    if m == nil || m == "" {
        return ib

// -----

type AddressBook interface {
    // Lookup retrieves an address from the database by its ID.
    Lookup(id inproc[string]) inproc[Address];

type Order struct {
    isPhysical bool
    destAddrId inproc[string]
    customerMemo string
    // The ID of the corresponding transaction in Stripe.
    stripeTxId inproc[string]

// GetInvoice builds a plain-text representation of a purchase
// invoice for the provided order, looking up additional order
// metadata as needed.
func GetInvoice(ctx context.Contextx, order *Order) string {
    span := tracing.Span(ctx, "GetInvoice")
        Str("orderID", order.id).
        Str("stripeTxId", larry(order.stripeTxId))
//                        ~~~~~
//      ① Converts inproc[string] to xproc[string], and allows
//      the Stripe transaction ID to be included in a span's
//      metadata. We know it's safe to send to our controlled
//      tracing infrastructure, but it shouldn't ever be sent
//      to users.
    defer span.End()

    ib := new(InvoiceBuilder).
//               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ② Compile error: 'inproc[string]' is not assignable to 'string'.
// Without inproc support, this would accidentally include the
// Stripe transaction ID instead of the customer's order memo.

    /* ... */

    if (order.isPhysical && order.destAddrId) {
        if dst, err := addrBook.Lookup(destAddrId); err != nil {
//                          ~~~~~
//          ③ Converts inproc[Address] to xproc[Address], and 
//          allows the destination address to be passed to
//          InvoiceBuilder.WithDestAddr

    return ib.String()

This is of course a contrived example, but there’s three locations worth calling out:

7 Next Steps

Goodness I sure wish I had a highly-motivating closing section! To reiterate, this is somewhere between a thought experiment and an actual proposal.

I’d love to hear your thoughts — consider this a pre-RFC request for comments. Perhaps I’m over-indexing on the risks, and this just isn’t that big of a deal. Maybe I’ve overlooked something major that makes this approach a non-starter. Am I a big dumdum? (Generally, yeah). Am I a big dumdum who should have realized this is already built into $popular_language?

7.1 Contact

Feel free to get in touch by: